Touch by Little Specter with the Specter Walk.Physical Defense is decreased by a certain percentage.Hit by a Blazing Heart with the Invincible Fire passive.Hit by a Rune Slayer using Sword Enchant.Hit by any attacks or by the death explosion of Kenaz.Hit by the flame explosions caused by Sullen Joakin in Commercial Area 1 and Southern Gate.Hit by the Fire Snakes summoned by King Nasod.Hit by a Geyser in Dragon Nest or Dragon Nest: Abyss.Hit by the flamethrower attacks of Komodos, Fire Komodos, Ancient Bone Dragon, or Ignis.Hit by Paranoia's Illusion of Fire or Illusion of Water.Hit by an Elsword with Sword Fire's Flaming Sword buff.Break an Agility Pedestal in Ereda Island.Ī successful hit on the target inflicted with 3 stacks of will activate a special attack.Movement Speed increased by 30%, Jump Speed increased by 15%.Attack when using Mysterious El Lord Crown accessory.Attack, Movement and Jump Speed is increased by 10%.Use Spell: Storm with the Skill Note before 2015 Skill Tree Revamp.A temporary increase in attack speed and double attack.Be in range of a teammate's Wind summoned by title The Children of the Wind/equipment Elemental Chaos.Your character will gain a light-green shadow that closely follows their movements.

Use/be in range of a teammate's Acceleration Aura.Use/be in range of a teammate's Aura Speed Accelerator before the 2013 Skill Tree Revamp.A temporary increase in attack, movement, and jump speed.Occasionally activates while attacking when using the Mechanized, Grendized Mechanized, Mechanized MK-2, Grendized Mechanized MK-2 weapons from Wally's Underground Laboratory (before the Secret Dungeon Revamp).Your Action Speed is increased by 120% while is is active.Your character will gain a light-blue shadow that closely follows their movements.Hit by " Drehen Hinter" Skill (50% chance).Hit by Chiliarch with " Power of Oriax" Skill.Hit by " Quicksilver Accel" enhanced with 1DMP.Hit by " Rakshasa Stance 1: Soul Reaping" Skill.Hit by " Heaven's Fist - Pressure" Skill.Ailment will disappear if affected individual is hit.

Affected individual cannot move for a period of time.